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Peter Gallagher 


                Age                        Height                   Hometown            BMX Discipline   
47 5ft 11" Auckland Race, Freestyle, Old School, Flatland


At what age did you start BMXing and why?

I started racing when I was 7 years old.  In the mid 1980's I watched this movie called Rad and from their Freestyle was my passion.  Why BMX?  It's such a fun sport and it doesn't matter how old you are, anyone can do it!

Where's your favourite riding spot?

Manukau is my favourite skatepark and Whangarei is my favourite race track

List your top 5 NZ BMX'ers

  1. Jackie Liu
  2. Liam Marshall
  3. John Riddle
  4. Paul Langlands
  5. Michael Bias

What's your most memorable BMX moment

Too many to mention but riding and doing a demo with Dave Mirra would be my biggest highlight - BMX has been good to me :-)

Top 5 Riders:

  1. Dennis McCoy
  2. Morgan Wade
  3. Dennis Enarson
  4. Aaron Ross
  5. Rim Nakamura

What's your favourite BMX trick and who do you think pulls it off the best?

The fakie to 180 whip out.  I first saw Biz Jordon do it on a Road Fools dvd and I think Jackie Liu has it down packed.

What other hobbies do you have outside of BMXing

I love to spend time with my family.

What are you riding at the moment?

At the moment I'm in the process of building a race bike, so watch this space.  As for my freestyle, I've been on a Cult AK frame. 

Click here for Pete's bike check.